Friday, February 29, 2008

Presidents Day!!

Sorry there are like a million pictures, but we just had so much fun at the beach and I couldnt stop taking pictures. It is hard to stop when you have such a cute family!!

Monday, February 25, 2008


Jaxson's Happy Birthday!!

Jaxson had his first birhtday on Valentines Day!! It is so crazy how fast the time goes... I has already been a year since we moved to Oregon and so much has happend!! Especisally with Jax... He is such a happy go lucky baby who loves to smile and laugh and make cute baby words all day! He can blow kisses and say and wave bye bye... he can say night night and num num and rarrr like a tiger...He is a very fast crawler and takes a step every so often but is in no rush to really start... and we arent really pushing him either... His whole life he has been in the 85-90 percent for his length and hieght but just at his 12 month appt. he was in the 25% for both although he doesnt look small to me... and no it isnt because his head looks big... becasue just to let you know grandpa and paul.... it is only in the 50 percent!!! So he is doing just great.. He loves to cuddle and give loves!! He adores his daddy, and thinks he is the greatest thing that ever happend.. I am so lucky to have him in my life, he is the best little brother kenz could ever ask for and he makes our family so complete... well at least for right now!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Once there was a Snowman!!

The other week, well maybe it was about threee weeks now, it snowed!! It was no Montana or Utah snow but there was a good 2-3 inches just the right amount to have a little fun and build maybe the best little snowman ever!! Jk... It is probably the worst but none the less Kenzie and I had a good time building him!! Kenzie loved the snow i wish we had more of it. Oh ya we also had a good time throwing snowballs at Dad's truck!! Good Times!!


ok sorry i havent posted in some time!! but that is only becasue i have one of the worst internet connections ever and i did a post a while ago and then the computer took so long that it didnt work. So i will start here and see how it goes!! One day when i was going to go to the store and Kenzie wanted to come but i needed to go by myself so it would be faster.. you know what i mean... so I told her that if she was a good girl for daddy then i would bring her a treat!! I kept my promise and got her some little Oreos!! good idea until when i wasnt looking and she decided to share them with Jaxson!! Then Jaxson decided to share them with the carpet!! good times but he sure does look cute with cookies all over his face!!